Monday, March 23, 2009

Caring For Fashion Jewelry

While fashion jewelry is also commonly referred to as junk jewelry and costume jewelry, both terms that make the jewelry sound worthless, taking good care of it is an absolute must. One of the most important things you should remember about fashion jewelry is that unlike fine jewelry that is made of precious metal and stone, it will tarnish and fade and can look quite unsightly if not cared for well. Fine jewelry can be restored to its original state by polishing and buffing. You will have no such luck with your fashion jewelry.

Cleaning agents

Cleaning agents that are used for fine jewelry can also be used to clean fashion jewelry. However it is very important to check the ingredients of the cleaner before using it on a piece of jewelry. Products that have acid, alcohol, ammonia and vinegar are an absolute no no as these can corrode and damage your jewelry beyond your imagination.

Homemade cleansers - soap vs. toothpaste

While a lot of people believe that a mild soap and water is good enough to clean your fashion jewelry, studies show that this can do more harm than good. Soap leaves residue on the jewelry thus making it look very dull and unattractive. Toothpaste on the other hand has come out famed. It has proven to be cost and cleaning effective.

However, it is important to make sure that the toothpaste does not contain any abrasive substances in it.

Using soft buff cloths

Pieces of buff cloth are very effective in cleaning jewelry that is dirty and dusty. These pieces can be bought at a local jewelry store. Fashion jewelry, especially bracelets, necklaces and chains have a tendency to lose their shine with repeated wear. Immerse your jewelry in some cleanser and then wipe it clean with a piece of soft dry buff cloth and watch the shine return.

Maintaining order and storing your fashion jewelry

While cleaning your jewelry is an important chore how you choose to store it is equally important. Never ever make the mistake of putting all your fashion jewelry into one bag or one compartment of a jewelry box. This could be fatal. It is important to remember that while jewelry is stored it tends to rub against one another, thus causing scratches, removing plating etc. Fashion jewelry must be categorized and stored so that pieces do not get entangled and entwined and damage each other. Always keep the newer jewelry separated from the older ones.

Equally important is making sure that the box used to store your fashion jewelry is moisture and dust free. Make sure that no dust and moisture can get into the jewelry box. Equally important is to make sure that all the pieces of jewelry are absolutely dry before they are put in. Moisture can tarnish the metal. If you use your fashion jewelry on a daily basis it would be advisable to clean it once a week and if you use is occasionally then clean it right after you use it.

Further Reading:
For More quality and unique Information on the topic of Fashion Jewellery, please visit the following reference site:

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