Monday, March 23, 2009

Fashion Jewelry-wholesale Jewelry

Opal is precious jewel with shimmering colors.

The Romans called it as "Cupid Paederos",which meaning a child beautiful as love.Some western people don't like it ,because they think that is infelicity with mutative colors.

Most of the world's Opal deposits are found in Southern Australia. Other sources of this gemstone are Brazil, Mexico, Czechoslovakia and Nevada. Quality Opal is very expensive, made more so by the caution that must be exercised in cutting, polishing and setting it into jewelry.

An alternate birthstone for October is Tourmaline,which most valuable variety is red to purplish-red to violet-red. it comes in an infinite variety of hues and tones. Most common are green and light red tourmalines, but others are dual-colored stones in blue, yellow and pink, brown and black.

The ancients people believed that the peridot had the power to ward off darkness,so they called it "gemstone of sun".It had color of bright olive green,even in dim light it brilliant.Peridot is also the only gem that has also been found in meteorites.

The peridot has medicine value,it was taken as a remedy for asthma and lessen the thirst of a fever,when ground into a powder.

The peridot had found in Alexandria earliest,Egypt suggests that the earliest known mines were the island of Zebargad. Now Burma has become a peridot center. However, gemologists generally agree that the best, of not the largest peridot comes from Pakistan. The most abundant source may be the recently discovered deposit on the San Carlos Apache reservation in Arizona. Peridot is now mined in many locations including Norway, Brazil, Australia, Hawaii and the etc.

Further Reading:
For More quality and unique Information on the topic of Fashion Jewellery, please visit the following reference site:

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